Posts from September 26, 2014

RAIS NEZA BONEZA. Poesía Actual de la República democrática de Congo

  Rais Neza Boneza nació en 1979 en la provincia de Katanga en la República democrática de Congo. Vive hoy en Noruega. Es poeta, escritor[…]

Toward the Ubuntu-ization of the world: A Khemetic/African perspective on the Middle East Crisis/Crime

Bujumbura, Burundi / Mother Africa’s view on major world crisis seems not to interest those who see themselves as the international community. Centuries of dominance[…]

Revisiting the African Thoughts By Raïs Neza Boneza

  1. Definition of the terms a. Philosophy in the strict sense Philosophy is the study of thoughts, reasons in a systematic way by recording,[…]


     Stiene elsker, ømt og lidenskapelig Stjernene elsker også, i Guds eneste seng Gudene nærværende   Trærne kysser hverandre, i sin naturlige galskap I[…]