
LamonsBjørn og Det Lille Ekornet

Det var engang dyrene på Lamon, de levde alene på jorden. Vel, nei, ikke helt, Der fantes også lamosfeer, ånder og troll, som alle bodde[…]

Muambi International Network Sept -Dec 2022

Honored to be mentioned in the Last Muambi International Network magazine from the Netherlands(Geopolitics) sept -Dec 2022. Enjoys from page 55 but and more actuals[…]

In memoriam: Shams Bhanji

Dear friends We are sorry to have to inform those who knew him that Shams Bhanji died at the age of 74 at his home[…]

African Cultural Footprint of Peace

Tendai Angela Jambga-Rokkones – TRANSCEND Media Service Review of Amani, Rais Boneza’s Latest Poetry Collection The poetry collection of Amani brings together an interpersonal and intrapersonal launch into[…]

In Violent Region, Music Shop Is an Instrument of Change

Moïse Muhindo Kisuba believes affordable instruments and training can break a cycle of violence that has claimed thousands of lives. Moïse Muhindo Kisuba builds a[…]

Belgium : Thierry Michel • Director of Empire of Silence

“We can’t just stand back and watch forever, without saying or doing anything” by Aurore Engelen 19/01/2022 – The director uses his documentary to look back on[…]