Dibrugarh University International Literary Festival 2025Where Words Weave Worlds! Get ready for an inspiring celebration of literature, culture, and ideas! Join us from February 5–8,[…]
In Formless, Raïs Neza Boneza’s voice is confident in calling for peace and respect for human rights. Right from the first poem, Boneza does not mince[…]
混语版《国际诗歌翻译》季刊2024年第2期 (总第114期)目录 Rendition of International Poetry Quarterly (multilingual) Volume 114 (Number 2, 2024) Contents 创刊日期:公元1995年5月8日 出版日期:公元2024年5月8日 总顾问:余德水 总策划:汪德胜 编者按:A. 本期主力翻译家有:张智中教授、石永浩教授、李正栓教授、丁立群教授、颜海峰教授、马婷婷博士、张琼教授、樱娘、林巧儿、王毅、程彦钧、萧逸帆、姜国会博士、王欣、董秀静教授、吴春晓、苏赛迪博士、赵曼博士、张丹博士、考斐、郭一鸣、王凌志、冷琨、郭小倩博士、伍敏毓、高绪华、陈进、黄雨欣、钱志富教授、李佐、盛易娴、张智博士,Светланы Савицкой、Tasnuva Kamal Topa、Farida Majid、Сергея Антипова、Kamalakar[…]
Noen avklaringer om krisa på Haiti. I de siste ukene har situasjonen i Haiti trukket internasjonal oppmerksomhet på grunn av rapporter om eskalerende vold. Forskjellige[…]
Hey young writers! Ready to unleash the power of your words? Join us for a life-changing creative writing workshop focused on healing, empowerment, and nurturing[…]
In recent past weeks, the situation in Haiti has drawn international attention due to reports of escalating violence. Various media outlets have brought to[…]