Posts in Great-Lakes Conflict & Peace

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Av Rais Neza Boneza Etter å ha flyktet fra styrkene til opprørshæren, krysset den tykkeste skog, mesteparten av tiden trett og utslitt av tusen kilometer[…]

Handbook of Research on Examining Global Peacemaking in the Digital Age Edited by Bruce L. Cook (Chicago ORT Technical Institute, USA)     Description Violent behavior has become deeply integrated into modern society and it is an unavoidable aspect of human nature. Examining peacemaking[…]

The Collapse of a Titan by Rais Neza Boneza

  Near madness, Strangled in the North, the Equator– Ngbadolite, Ngemena, to the Ubangui border– In the center, Tetela land– Kisangani, Bunia– In the south,[…]

Therapy Strategy to Remedy African Instability By Rais Neza Boneza

  Diagnosis: Negative Leadership In the 60s, most of the African countries snatched precipitately their independences from the colonialists. Most of the time without a[…]

Part.4. African’s Peacefull Means: Micro-cultural aspects of violence in Africa

From the Book Peace By African’s Peaceful Means  By Raïs Neza Boneza      With micro-cultural aspects, we shall concentrate our inquiry on local culture[…]


    Nyatiti is an eight-stringed plucked lyre from Kenya. It is a classical instrument used by the Luo people located in the Nyanza western[…]