Posts in Stories


    Nyatiti is an eight-stringed plucked lyre from Kenya. It is a classical instrument used by the Luo people located in the Nyanza western[…]

Revolt of the Black athlete The hidden history of Muhammad Ali By David Zirin

Appeared in International Socialist Review Issue 33, January–February 2004 Dave Zirin is the author of Welcome to the Terrordome: The Pain, Politics and Promise of[…]

Is music activism cleansing the soul of Europe?

Reflecting on David Rovics, Kristian Svenson And Elona Planman passage in Trondheim, Norway. By Raïs Neza Boneza With the recent refugee a.ka. migrants and economic[…]

Nandi | by Rais Neza Boneza | An African Lyrical Story

    I have reached my destination; I trace calligraphies. My quill seems to pour its ink unto the banks of the Tanganyika Lake. The[…]

The unexpected creativity that thrives in refugee camps

  James with his latest work. Naohiko Omata, Author provided James is a sculptor who fled Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and sought refuge in[…]

Je suis née morte, se réaliser par l’écriture | Nathalie Salmon-Hudry | TEDxPapeete

Nathalie est née handicapée. Son esprit dégage une énergie de vie hors norme et la pousse à aller toujours de l’avant. Auteur de l’ouvrage “Je[…]